
Teaching the 2024 Election

In the coming days, the electoral process is going to play out in ways that may be all-consuming for many Americans.  This will deeply affect some students and not others.  The 2016 and 2020 elections were surprising and tumultuous in ways that left some of us scrambling for how to help our students understand the quickly shifting political landscape and government.  While this election will likely bring to light many new questions and uncertainties, we do know that our students will be engaged.  We have created and curated a number of resources that may be of help as yo

Dawniell Black Named New CHSSP Executive Director

The CHSSP has welcomed a new executive director. Dawniell Black assumed the statewide leadership role at UC Davis in early August. Dawniell is no stranger to history-social science leadership in California. Prior to her CHSSP appointment, Dawniell worked at the Elk Grove Unified School District for 20 years, first as a History-Social Science (HSS) teacher and then as a Program Specialist in HSS and Physical Education.

2024 CHSSP Summer Institutes

It's not too late to join a summer institute!

This summer, teachers in California can collaborate online and in-person at a variety of summer institutes.  Teachers can visit UC Berkeley, UC Irvine, UCLA, UC Davis, and even Yosemite to discover new approaches to teaching history-social science.  Below, you'll find an overview of the summer institutes, but click through the links to learn more about each institute.

Resource Spotlight: Environmental History

Happy Earth Day & Happy Environmental History Week

Environmental history is the often inherently interdisciplinary study of how human beings have interacted with and shaped the natural world around us over time. It grew largely out of the conservation and environmental movements in the United States in the 1960s and 1970s, and it continues to grow and adapt to respond to present-day climate concerns and science.  

CHSSP at the 2024 conference of the California Council for the Social Studies

This weekend the California Council for the Social Studies (CCSS) will meet in Orange County, California for its annual conference which promises to deliver participants with "engaging strategies, a growing professional network, and new ideas to share with colleagues at your site." CHSSP leaders across the state are proud to participate in this conference through the following offerings.

César Chávez Youth Leadership Conference at UC Davis

The César Chávez Youth Leadership Conference and Celebration will be taking place on UC Davis’s campus next month. This free motivational event seeks to help students feel empowered to pursue higher education — particularly students from marginalized communities who may not yet be considering attending college due to a lack of information, insufficient financial resources, or other factors. 

Nothing Less Than Justice: New Public History Website on 1977 California Women’s Conference

“Nothing Less Than Justice” is an exciting new webpage memorializing and investigating the significance of California’s International Women’s Year as well as the lives of participating delegates. The ambitious digital humanities project, which presents multiple possible classroom uses, is the result of a collaboration between the University of Houston and the University of California’s Irvine, Davis, and San Diego campuses.

Teaching About Political Participation and Community

“Women were rarely mentioned in history books,” which, according to Beverly Fitch McCarthy, one of California’s delegates who was selected to attend the 1977 National Women’s Conference, made her come to the realization that she might be a feminist.