
Resource Spotlight: Environmental History

Happy Earth Day & Happy Environmental History Week

Environmental history is the often inherently interdisciplinary study of how human beings have interacted with and shaped the natural world around us over time. It grew largely out of the conservation and environmental movements in the United States in the 1960s and 1970s, and it continues to grow and adapt to respond to present-day climate concerns and science.  

Earth Day 2024 - Reasons for Hope

There is no denying that our Earth is straining under the impact of human activities. It is also true that there are more people than ever committed to improving the situation. This resource explores Earth Day in the context of climate change, including reasons to be hopeful.

Teaching About Political Participation and Community

“Women were rarely mentioned in history books,” which, according to Beverly Fitch McCarthy, one of California’s delegates who was selected to attend the 1977 National Women’s Conference, made her come to the realization that she might be a feminist.

Back-to-School Resources for the 2023-24 School Year

September means the start of a new school year for students, teachers, and school administrators throughout California. While the start of a new school year can be both hectic and exciting for all involved, it's also a good time to reflect on goals for the year ahead. For example, how are we making sure all students feel supported in the classroom this year? How can we advance equity and center accessibility in TK-12 education this school year?

Educator Feature: Kate Bowen

Kate Bowen is an educational leader with the California History-Social Science Project, and brings over thirty years of experience as a teacher. This month we asked Kate to share her favorite tools, skills, and strategies to support inquiry-based learning throughout the year.

New Classroom-Ready Resource!

Latinx students make up nearly 55% of all K-12 students across California, and every year students are asking for more lessons that reflect their experiences. We see the need to show students the diversity of people who shaped our history. Likewise, we know how important it is for students to see themselves reflected in their educational experience.

Back-to-School Month

It’s August. You know what that means. Give me all the post-its, paper clips, crisp tabs, and new stickers. Nothing brings me the same excitement as flipping through  a freshly-opened planner. Okay, maybe the local office supply store is just my thing, but I have a sneaking suspicion that I’m not the only one that loves a good back-to-school sale. In the spirit of new beginnings, I want to bring your attention to new  resources for this upcoming school year.

Universal Design for Learning

Throughout July we celebrate the diversity of our students in Disability Pride and Awareness Month. Students in our classrooms have always been diverse, and research has shown that most students who request accommodations or special education still learn in the general education classroom. Others who receive exclusive education still engage with general education classrooms and curricula to the greatest extent possible (California History-Social Science Framework, Chapter 20, p 537).