Through the leadership of the Yolo County Youth Civics Initiative, and with grant funding from the James B. McClatchy Foundation, the California History-Social Science Project and the California Subject Matter Project, these units are designed to help students better understand and engage with their local government and foster life-long civic engagement.
Launched in 2017, the Yolo County Youth Civics Initiative (YCYCI) is a collaborative partnership between the Yolo County Office of Education, the Yolo County Office of Assessor/Clerk-Recorder/Elections, Baylor University’s School of Education, and the California History-Social Science Project. YCYCI is working to increase civic engagement by building student understanding of local government, developing student media literacy, and promoting and enhancing school and community efforts to increase youth involvement in the civic process.
The partnership is grateful for the ongoing support and expertise offered by Stephanie Kugler, teacher at Bridgeway Island K-8 in West Sacramento, CA, the Civic Engagement Research Group at the University of California, Riverside, and to the Media Literacy Collaborative co-sponsored by the UC Irvine History Project at the History & Civics Project at UC Santa Cruz.