The California History-Social Science Project facilitators and teacher leaders are available to provide customized work for your district, school, or county office of education. All programs are tailored to meet your goals, your budget, and the needs of your teachers and students.
Our professional learning programs aim to increase teacher capacity to improve inquiry-based instructional practice by deepening content knowledge while scaffolding discipline-specific literacy and thinking skills. Our work with schools spans single day workshops to multi-year collaborations, but the most effective collaborations occur over multiple years.
Email us at for more information on our programs and rates.
Sample of programs below

Content Specific & Disciplinary Practices
- History-Social Science curriculum framework overview and implementation for US history, World History, Government, Economics, and Geography
- Inquiry and disciplinary teaching strategies
- Content-focused workshops
- Literacy resources for multi-lingual students
- Elementary History-Social Science integration with other content areas

Ethnic Studies
- “Introducing Ethnic Studies” info sessions
- Ethnic Studies course development
- Integrating Ethnic Studies into other courses
- Ethnic Studies for elementary teachers
- Technical Support for establishing an Advisory Committee

- Workshops at all grade levels focused on local government, service learning, and media literacy.
- State Seal of Civic Engagement

Disciplinary Literacy
- Curriculum/Backwards Mapping/Course Updating
- Development of Common Assessments and Analyzing Student work for instructional improvement
- Curriculum Development
- Instructional Materials Adoption and implementation
- Academic language support, historical thinking strategies, and writing resources