Summer 2021 Programs
As we near the end of another very difficult school year, we hope you'll consider joining us for one or more of our summer programs for educators:
June 14-15: Human Rights Studies for 21st Century Californians - a workshop for High School Educators at UC Davis
Engage with scholars and professional learning specialists to explore developing curriculum and resources which support classroom-based human rights and genocide studies learning. Hosted by the UC Davis Human Rights Studies and UCD History Project and in partnership with the Genocide Education Project. Sessions will examine human rights as global history; connecting the classroom, student advocacy, and public service; and comparative genocide with a special focus on the recent U.S. acknowledgement of the Armenian Genocide. Participants’ feedback will help hosts develop future expanded Human Rights education programs. UCD Continuing Education Credit available. Primarily for 10th Grade Teachers. Space is limited. Planning to host in person in Davis, health guidelines permitting. More information and application will be posted here soon.
June 17-18: Sites of Encounter: Malacca and Constantinople
This two-day webinar aims to provide area studies content and pedagogy training to teachers in California to help with classroom instruction of the Sites of Encounter model for 6th and 7th grades under the California History-Social Science Framework. The workshop will give K-12 educators an opportunity to hear lectures from scholars to gain more historical knowledge for these particular sites of encounter and receive training for designing lessons and curriculum to align with the HSS Framework. The workshop will feature two keynote lectures and model lessons from teacher leaders. There is also an opportunity for interested teachers to submit a lesson plan after the workshop to receive a $250 stipend. Hosted by the UCLA History-Geography Project, in collaboration with the UCLA Center for Southeast Asian Studies and the UCLA Center for Near Eastern Studies. Register here.
June 21-23: Thinking Historically about Race and Whiteness–Possibilities for Anti-Racist Pedagogies
What is race? What is whiteness? Where do these ideas come from and how have they changed over time? In this free virtual workshop we will explore the history of race and whiteness from their nascence in the 14th century to modern manifestations. We will hear from scholars, examine primary sources, and use historical case studies to plan antiracist applications for your classroom. Register now for this limited enrollment workshop. Hosted by The History and Civics Project at UCSC.
June 24-25: Reflect, Release, and Reimagine: A Two-Day Retreat for History Educators
Join the sites of the California History-Social Science Project to promote healing, spark joy, and commit to justice. In community with other critical history educators, we will share personal stories from this last year of disruption and consider how they compel us to think differently about history education moving forward. Register here.
June 29-July 1: Youth as Changemakers
Explore the ways that youth have participated and led in making change in our contemporary society. This program, offered with support from the Library of Congress, and led by the UCI History Project and UCLA History and Geography Project, explores the history of activism by youth in the United States. The workshop will feature talks from historians and opportunities to delve into the many resources of the Library of Congress’s Teaching with Primary Sources program. This workshop is for US History (3rd, 4th, 5th, 8th, 11th, 12th Grades) & Ethnic Studies Teachers. UCI Extension Credit is available. Register here.
July 6: Digital Storytelling Using Audio Primary Sources Workshop
This workshop, hosted by the UCI History Project will serve as a primer for educators who wish to teach and use digital storytelling in their classrooms, either as a means to increase students’ digital literacy, or to produce a podcast or short digital video in lieu of traditional essays or final projects. The workshop will present a general overview of uses and approaches towards teaching digital storytelling and will specifically focus on available archival materials from radio collections which can be integrated into student projects. Following the workshop, we will ask for attendees to participate in a focus group to learn how about what they teach, whether and how they use multimedia resources in the classroom, and what sorts of materials would be most helpful to enable teachers to integrate audio into their lessons and assignments. Register here
July 7-9: Asians in America: Racism and Resistance
From the outset of the pandemic, Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (AAPI) have particularly been vulnerable to scapegoating, xenophobia, and violence. This volatility is not new, and in fact, follows an old pattern of racism and exclusion. Unknown to many, people of Asians descent have a legacy of resistance and activism in America. Today, more than 23 million Americans can trace their ancestry to countries in Asia or the Indian sub-continent. Over 6 million live in California alone; in some cities in our state, more than 25% of the population is Asian American. And yet their experiences and history are rarely taught in public schools. Without an integration of Asian American narratives, students’ understanding of American history and current events is incomplete. This three-day online institute, hosted by the CHSSP Statewide Office, will explore the history of anti-Asian racism in the United States, as well as Asian American activism and resistance. Register here.
Download a one-page flyer with this summer's programs and registration links here.