CHSSP at the 2024 conference of the California Council for the Social Studies
Quick Summary
- Join CHSSP leaders at this weekend's CCSS Conference. Schedule below.
This weekend the California Council for the Social Studies (CCSS) will meet in Orange County, California for its annual conference which promises to deliver participants with "engaging strategies, a growing professional network, and new ideas to share with colleagues at your site." CHSSP leaders across the state are proud to participate in this conference through the following offerings. Be sure to mark these down on your conference programs and swing by to see us for a copy of a flier with each of these panels and their descriptions listed.
- Legislative Confab
- RSVP required
- Cindy Mata will be representing CHSSP.
- 7:30-9 am PST
- Room: Garden 3
- Join us at the Legislative Confab where we will engage in conversation with civic and educational leaders, CCSS partner organizations and others to discuss current legislation, funding for social studies education and other pressing matters facing our profession. This time is open to all conference attendees.
- Our Experiences Developing Ethnic Studies Curriculum for Court and Community School students
- Presenters: Phyllis Goldsmith and Jason Muñiz
- 11:20-12:20 pm PST
- Room: Garden 2
- In a 60 minute session Jason Muñiz and Phyllis Goldsmith will describe the pedagogies, challenges, and transformative experiences that came from developing Ethnic Studies content intended for Incarcerated and Continuation School students in the Bay Area. The problems of practice we encountered will be described. The pedagogical moves and resources we employed will also be presented.
- From the Rebel Archives to the Classroom: IE Stories Curriculum Project
- Presenter: Daniel Diaz
- 11:20-12:20 pm PST
- Room: Salon 1
- Together with the Relevance History Project, scholars from UC Riverside and CSU San Bernardino, and the UCLA History-Geography Project, teacher leaders transformed local history resources, StoryMaps, and community museum visits into engaging lessons centralizing counter-narratives. Join us to explore how this unique collaboration transitioned public history projects into the classroom.
- “Teaching the Climate Crisis: Reframing World History centering climate, colonialism and justice.”
- Presenters: Kaedan Peters & Devin Hess
- 1:30-2:30 pm PST
- Room: Salon IV
- Reframe your 10th grade world history course to center justice, climate change, and sustainability in the context of colonialism and resistance. Explore the course map and a model lesson challenging solutions to climate change that continue extractive colonial relations. Learn from UCBHSSP presenters’ and piloting teachers’ experiences and challenges in reorienting and prioritizing their course focus and content.
- Ethnic Studies Forum
- Presenters: Dawniell Black and Mark Gomez
- 1:30-4:50 pm PST
- Location: Garden 3
- Jumpstart your day one conference experience by joining the Equity, Inclusion and Social Justice Committee for an Ethnic Studies Forum. Participants will engage with Ethnic Studies scholars & practitioners to discuss topics of best practices in the classroom, content, challenges, resources, community involvement and professional development. There will also be an opportunity to engage with the Equity, Inclusion and Social Justice Committee to explore how CCSS can continue supporting educators to deepen their commitment to and knowledge of Ethnic Studies. Raffle prizes and light snacks will be available.
- Queer Stories in Our Classrooms
- Presenter: Amparo Chavez-Gonzalez
- 10:10-11:10 am PST
- Room: Garden 2
- Join us to examine how and what to teach about the complex stories of members of LGBTQ communities throughout SoCal and the nation. Gain access to primary sources and digital resources to share these stories seldom covered in books and which for far too long have hidden the lives of our leaders, neighbors, family members, and students who are queer.
- Honoring Our Ancestors: Pedagogies for Black Children
- Presenters: Dawniell Black and Dominique Williams
- PreK-12
- 1:30-2:30 pm PST
- Room: Harbor
- In this session, we will focus on ancestral venerations and rituals with their roots in both African and Black culture that can be practiced at home, as well as affirmed and included in the classroom. Participants will be provided with specific historical understanding of the practices and strategies for their inclusion in the classroom.
- Environmental Justice and YPAR – California Subject Matter Project
- Presenters: Mariana Ramirez and Richard Aguirre
- Secondary/High School
- 1:30-2:30 pm PST
- Room: Garden 2
- Come hear participants discuss their experience weaving interdisciplinary skills, action civics, and community partnerships in their Ethnic Studies YPAR work focused on environmental justice. California Subject Matter Project partners, CHSSP and the Math Project, collaborated with the community’s East Yards in teaching research skill to East LA students engaged in addressing key issues they face in their communities.
- Pre-service Teacher Session
- Featuring Cindy Mata
- 1:30-4:30 pm PST
- This session aims to allow aspiring educators to learn from accomplished educators, ensuring they are well-prepared for their first year in the field. This year’s event will include table talks on Media Literacy, LGBTQ Histories, Historical Thinking Practices, Ethnic Studies Counter Narratives, and Integrated English Language Development. Registration for pre-service teachers is $75 for the conference, which includes a one-year membership to CCSS. If you would like to learn more about the event, contact Marika Manos, History/Social Science Manager at OCDE and CCSS board member from Region 9, at mmanos@ocde.us.