Jason Muñiz Joins UC Berkeley History-Social Science Project
The CHSSP is proud to announce the appointment of Jason Muñiz as the new Site Director of the UC Berkeley History-Social Science Project. Muñiz had previously worked as an Academic Coordinator with the UCBHSSP, where he supported the rollout of Ethnic Studies courses in California schools, developed history-social science curriculum, and led professional development for history-social science educators. Prior to his time at the UCBHSSP, Muñiz worked for over ten years in K-12 education, including as a history-social science teacher in East Oakland where he piloted and implemented Ethnic Studies curriculum.
In a recent conversation, Muniz reflected that his time in the classroom taught him the “value of listening to people’s stories,” which has inspired him to help provide a platform for students to be able to share their own stories. He learned this when he first started his career in South Florida, and expanded it when he moved to California and began teaching in the Fruitvale neighborhood of East Oakland. Muñiz has carried this experience with him into his work with the UCBHSSP, explaining: “Now that I serve schools and districts throughout California I find it valuable to remember the people who inspired me to love this place, and to honor their experiences and intentions with the actions I take.” As Site Director of the UCBHSSP, Muñiz hopes to elevate Californians’ stories and experiences, while “doing the work of improving our disciplinary skills and pedagogies in the History Social Science classroom.”
Muñiz says that in his new role, he particularly hopes to “continue to share university resources with educators who support History Social Sciences in newcomer classrooms.” He would also like to continue to increase the UCBHSSP’s presence at UC Berkeley. He recently described how in the past several years, the university and the UCBHSSP have collaborated on Ethnic Studies projects, which has “opened the door to other exciting opportunities.” Continuing these types of collaborative projects is a priority for Muñiz as Site Director.
Nancy McTygue, Executive Director of the CHSSP shared her support for Muñiz selection as Site Director: “Jason Muñiz has more than a decade of K-12 teaching experience, and has held both school- and district-wide leadership roles. Since 2019, Jason has served as an increasingly valuable member of the UCBHSSP team, leading a variety of professional development programs for teachers, serving as the Project-lead for a number of school- and district-partnerships across the region, and organizing a campus-wide initiative to bring together Ethnic Studies resources for the benefit of K-12 teachers. I am so pleased that Jason has agreed to step into this new role and look forward to what his leadership can bring to the Berkeley site and the CHSSP more broadly.”
Please join us in welcoming Muñiz to his new position, and check out the UC Berkeley's History Department announcement here!