Land & Labor Exhibit

Pale yellow background, with two brown acorns in corner. In large blue text: Land and Labor Exhibit, Mar 19-26. In smaller red text: Reception 3/25 @ 12. Below is a photo of a wetland environment with green shrubbery around a creek.

Event Date

625 Court St., Woodland, CA, Atrium Room B02

The "Land & Labor" Exhibit, dedicated to Cesar Chavez, will be on display for the next week. The exhibit features photos, narratives, posters, artwork, and information on the history of land and labor in Yolo County. 

Organized by Ethnic Studies YOLO Academy and sponsored by County Supervisors Sheila Allen, Angel Barajas, Lucas Frerichs, Mary Sandy, Former Assemblymember Mariko Yamada, Concilio of Yolo County, YoloArts and in partnership with UCD Archives & Special Collections, Yolo County Archives, TANA UC Davis, the California History-Social Science Project, & Community Members Elyse Doyle Martinez, Joaquin Galvan Sr., Hulleah J. Tsinhnahjinnie, Steven Hiomoto, NJ Movando, Adelita Serena, Curator Adriana Perez, and supported by Dr. Melissa Moreno and Dr. Juliet Maestas. 

  • Wednesday, March 19 at 9am — Opening Circle: Intentions and purpose for the Exhibit 
  • Tuesday, March 25 morning — Yolo County BOS resolution for Cesar Chavez Day & 12pm reception sponsored by Concilio
  • Wednesday, March 26 at 2:15 pm — Closing Circle of Gratitude

For more information, reach out to: